Delivering Results

Capital efficiency, cost and schedule certainty. These are the results today's owners and their EPC contractors require. Strategic Program Management focuses on ensuring the right design basis is in place, time valued and the life cycle dimension of capital efficiency accounted for.

Assuring Project Success

Success on large projects is not assured. Two-thirds of large projects under perform against cost and schedule. Strategic Program Management focuses on addressing the factors that make project success improbable.

Failure to clearly define, get agreement on and continuously communicate your Strategic Business Objectives is a primary cause of under performance.  


It is not as if project teams are pulling in opposite directions but rather the strong foundations required for mega-project success are not firmly in place. Decisions take longer and perception of strategic business objectives to be achieved often substitute for fundamental corporate goals.

Strategic Program Management helps you achieve this most fundamental alignment and put in the strong foundations that are required.


Strategic Program Management has over 30 years of mega-project planning, oversight and strategic consulting experience, working at the highest levels in the organization.

We are at the forefront of thought leadership in the management of today's mega-programs and provide critical advice focused on substantial change and improvement.  

In simplest terms capital efficiency is about getting the biggest bang for the buck. We help our clients improve outcomes by pulling on five of the levers of capital efficiency:
  • Schedule
  • OPEX
  • Plant availability
  • Inventories through supply chain design

Here at Strategic Program Management we understand the importance of delivering improved capital efficiency on both ongoing and future mega-projects.

Relevant Reading

We Wrote the Book


The most important thing is to define your Goals

Capital Efficiency 

Planning & Delivering Large Projects

Successful delivery of large projects requires a comprehensive delivery approach such as that described in "The GIGA Factor: Program Management in the Engineering & Construction Industry"

Would you like improved mega-project performance?

Wouldn't we all? Finally, you can have the future you want without the worry of what tomorrow is going to hold for you financially. Strategic Program Management is dedicated to helping you achieve all of your future hopes and dreams with ease and comfort.